TSA that includes Henderson County hits trigger for COVID restrictions
Region declared a 'high hospitalization' area
We've reached Day 7.
Monday, the Trauma Service Area (TSA-G) that includes Henderson County saw its seventh consecutive day with COVID-19 hospitalizations at 15 percent or more of available staffed beds.
Henderson County received confirmation of this designation as a "high hospitalization area" Monday night from both the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
"This designation as an 'area with high hospitalization' means that additional restrictions, including limitations on capacity for restaurants and many business establishments, will be enforced for all counties within the TSA-G area," wrote Emergency Management District Coordinator Deaun Stinecipher.
Those restrictions include:
Businesses currently operating at 75 percent capacity must pull back to 50 percent capacity.
Bars that were allowed to open with the permission of the county must close.
In order to lose the high hospitalization designation, hospitalizations in TSA-G must be below 15 percent for seven consecutive days.
"Hospitalizations are the key metric and the key to stopping the hospitalizations is to follow CDC and DSHS recommendations," said County Judge Wade McKinney. "Wash your hands. Practice social distancing. Wear a face covering when appropriate. These three things are proven methods that slow the spread of the virus and are available to each of us. During this holiday season take care of those closest you."
Texas separates the state into 22 regions called Trauma Service Areas, or TSAs, for hospital data. Henderson County's region is designated TSA-G and includes Tyler/Longview. TSA-G includes about 960,000 people. The TSA includes the following counties: Anderson, Camp, Cherokee, Franklin, Freestone, Gregg, Harrison, Henderson, Houston, Marion, Panola, Rains, Rusk, Shelby, Smith, Trinity, Upshur, Van Zandt and Wood.
Monday, there were 492 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in TSA-G, representing 15.94 percent of available beds.
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